
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi (IASRI)

It is a pioneer institute of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) undertaking research, teaching and training in Agricultural Statistics, Computer Application and Bioinformatics. Ever since its inception way back in 1930, as small Statistical Section of the then Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, the Institute has grown in stature and made its presence felt both nationally and internationally. ICAR-IASRI has been mainly responsible for conducting research in Agricultural Statistics and Informatics to bridge the gaps in the existing knowledge.

ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack (NRRI)

The Central Government, in the year 1944, decided to intensify research on all aspects of rice crop. In the following year, the Government decided to establish a Central Institute for Rice Research and this led to establishment of the Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) on April 23, 1946 at Bidyadharpur, Cuttack, Odisha with an experimental farm land of 60 hectares provided by the Government of Odisha. Dr. K Ramiah, an eminent rice breeder, was its founder Director. Subsequently, in 1966, the administrative control of the Institute was transferred to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The Institute was renamed as ICAR-National Rice Research Institute (NRRI) in the year 2015.

ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal (IIWBR)

The AICWIP was elevated to the status of the Directorate of Wheat Research in 1978 and in 1990 it moved from IARI, New Delhi, to its present location at Karnal, 130 km north of Delhi along with two regional stations located at Flowerdale, Shimla and Dalang Maidan (Lahaul valley). In 2014, it became an institute, ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research. By doing so, the ICAR formalised the estab­lishment of a distinct institutional identity for the second most important cereal crop of the country.


ICAR-Central Institute of Cotton Research, Nagpur (CICR)

The research efforts under All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement Project. (AICCIP) were initiated by the Council in the year 1967. With a view to develop a Centre of excellence for carrying out long term research on fundamental problems limiting cotton production and also to provide basic support to location specific applied research work being carried out in a network of cotton research centres in the country through the AICCIP system, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has established the Central Institute for Cotton Research at Nagpur in April, 1976.


ICAR-Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi (IIVR)

In view of the importance of vegetables, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) established All India Coordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops (AICRP-VC) in the year 1971 at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi to plan, coordinate and monitor the research activities on vegetable crops.  To further boost systematic vegetable research in the country a full-fledged Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR) was established in 1999 at Varanasi.

ICAR-National Research Centre on Banana (NRCB)

It was established on 21st August 1993 at Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu by ICAR, New Delhi with an aim to increase the production and productivity of banana and plan

tains through mission mode basic and strategic research approaches. The Centre works on four major thrust areas of research viz., Crop Improvement, Crop Production, Post-Harvest Management and Crop Protection. It has well-equipped laboratories for tissue-culture, bio-technology, soil science, nutrient management, physiology, biochemistry, entomology, nematology, fungal, bacterial, viral pathology and post-harvest technology research.

ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal (IISS)

The Indian Institute of Soil Science (ICAR-IISS) was established on 16th April, 1988 at Bhopal with a mandate of “Enhancing Soil Productivity with Minimum Environmental Degradation”. To accomplish the mandate of the institute, it has given the priority to soil health related issues faced by farmers and other stakeholders.

ICAR- National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Nagpur (NBSS&LUP)

In 1976 it became an independent Institute of ICAR named as National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP) and continued to function at the IARI, New Delhi. In June 1978, the Headquarters of the Bureau, was shifted to Nagpur. It is located in a new and spacious buildings situated on Amravati Road, 7 km away from main railway station and 1.5 km from Nagpur University Campus.

ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Management, Bhubaneshwar (IIWM)

The ICAR-Indian Institute of Water Managment (ertwhile Directorate of Watre Managment or Water Technology Centre for Eastern Region)

ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal (CIAE)

The activities of the institute are organized through five divisions (Agricultural Mechanization, Agro Produce Processing, Agricultural Energy and Power, Irrigation & Drainage Engineering and Technology Transfer); four All Indian Coordinated Research Projects (Farm Implements & Machinery, Energy in Agriculture & Agro Industries, Utilization of Animal Energy, and Ergonomics & Safety in Agriculture); two Consortia Research Platforms (Farm Mechanization and Precision Farming, and Energy from Agriculture), and a Centre of Excellence on Soybean Processing and Utilization.

ICAR- Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology, Ludhiana (CIPHET)

It was established on 3rd October 1989 at the PAU Campus, Ludhiana, Punjab, India as a nodal institute to undertake lead researches in the area of the Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology appropriate to agricultural production catchment and agro-industries. The institute’s second campus was established on 19 March 1993 at Abohar, Punjab, India. Which is primarily responsible for conducting research and development activities on fruits and vegetables, and commercial horticultural crops. ICAR-CIPHET is also headquarters for two All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs) viz. AICRP on Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (PHET) at 31 Centres and AICRP on Plasticulture Engineering & Technology (PET) at 14 Centre’s.

ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (NDRI)

ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) at Karnal, Haryana is one of the premier Institutes in dairy sector, which has contributed a lot in the growth of dairy industry and played a crucial role in India’s development in milk production with its continuous research. Over ninety-six-year-old NDRI’s lineage goes back to the Imperial Institute for Animal Husbandry & Dairying which was set up in Bangalore in 1923 as a centre for dairy education.

ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (CIFE)

ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) is a leading Fisheries University having a distinguished heritage and has nurtured many illustrious scholars and leaders over the years. In over 50 years of existence, CIFE has emerged as a centre of excellence for higher education in fisheries and allied disciplines. The Institute was established on 6th June 1961, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India with assistance from FAO/UNDP. It came under the administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) on 16th April 1979 and subsequently, the scope and mandate have been widened to include education, research and extension.

ICAR- Central Inland Fishery Research Institute, Barrakpore (CIFRI)

The Institute strives for knowledge-based management of inland open waters for sustainable fisheries, conservation of aquatic biodiversity, integrity of ecological services and to derive social benefits from these waters. Headquarters of the Institute is located at Barrackpore, West Bengal; the Regional Research Centers are located at Allahabad, Guwahati, Bangalore and Vadodara, with Research Centers at Kochi and Kolkata. The Institute is ISO 9001: 2008 certified and provide world-class service standards.

ICAR- Central Institute of Fresh Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar (CIFA)

The Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) is a premier research Institute on freshwater aquaculture in the country under the aegeis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The present Institute has had its beginnings in the Pond Culture Division of Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (CIFRI) established at Cuttack, Orissa in 1949 with a view to face challenges in the field of fish culture in ponds, tanks and other small aquatic body.