
Developing ICT based Technologies for Accelerated Profitable and Sustainable Indian Agricultural System through Precise Use of Inputs


Developing rapid sensor based methods for the soil fertility assessment

  • Soil quality assessment for different cropping systems
  • Development of spectral signature of soils
  • Development of Spectral models for estimation of soil fertility
  • Field scale fertility mapping and Crop specific fertilizer recommendation

Quantitative assessment of crop health through sensing & data analytics

  • Quantitative modelling for different plant growth parameters using machine & deep learning algorithms
  • Sensors based detection of abiotic (N & water) & biotic (pest & diseases) stresses
  • Development of algorithms of image processing and identifying pest and diseases

Developing Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) for precision crop management

  • Development of system-specific precision nutrient and water management protocols
  • SDSS for nutrient management, water requirement and irrigation scheduling 
  • Weather and sensor based early warning system for pest and diseases

Developing Variable Rate Technologies (VRTs) for site specific input management

  • Spatio-temporal thematic maps of crop health
  • Drone Assisted sprayer for pest and disease and VRT’S for precise input applications
  • Standardizing surface irrigation automation system and IoT based precision irrigation

Precision Aquaculture / small scale culture fishery for fish production enhancement

  • Disease diagnosis system in enclosure system and culture based fisheries
  • Monitoring of fish growth and behavior in enclosure culture
  • Automated fish harvesting system and Quality assessment of fish in Post harvest condition

Developing precision livestock farming system using sensors and artificial intelligence

  • Need based precision livestock management tools through farmers’ appraisal
  • IoT / WSN based monitoring and management of animal health and Bio signal capturing using Wireless Sensor/RFID
  • Animal phenotyping for identification, body scoring & Disease Diagnosis

Assessing post-harvest quality and grading of agri-produces for efficient management of storage and post-harvest operations

  • Evaluation of quality and grading of Agri-produce
  • Detection of ripening stage of fruits and vegetable and Detection of adulterants in food products
  • Post harvest storage monitoring and management

Upscaling suitable PA technologies to farmers’ field to enhance input use efficiency & optimal production system

  • Up scaling precision ag. technologies to farmers’ field
  • Sensor & STFR based soil fertility, quality assessment & grading of produce in field or Post harvest
  • Crop growth, health monitoring & management system using RS data & VRTs for input application
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