
About us:

The activities of the institute are organized through five divisions (Agricultural Mechanization, Agro Produce Processing, Agricultural Energy and Power, Irrigation & Drainage Engineering and Technology Transfer); four All Indian Coordinated Research Projects (Farm Implements & Machinery, Energy in Agriculture & Agro Industries, Utilization of Animal Energy, and Ergonomics & Safety in Agriculture); two Consortia Research Platforms (Farm Mechanization and Precision Farming, and Energy from Agriculture), and a Centre of Excellence on Soybean Processing and Utilization. The cooperating centres of four All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs) located in SAUs, CAUs, IIT and NGOs address the crops and region specific technological issues throughout the country. The Regional Centre at Coimbatore addresses the engineering intervention needs of southern states of the country. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Bhopal, functioning at institute campus, serves to demonstrate and popularize engineering technologies for large scale adoption by the farmers. Institute has an outreach centre of ICAR-IARI, New Delhi to address the need of higher education in the field of agricultural engineering.

What we do:

The vision of ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal is “to modernize Indian agriculture by improvement in crop productivity through agricultural mechanization, harnessing energy from renewable sources, efficient management of irrigation water, reduction in post-harvest losses and promote agri-business with a view to enhance income and generate employment in rural sector”.

Contemporary research of team ICAR-CIAE, Bhopal is focussed to carry out need based  automation in agricultural operations with the integration of sensors, micro-controllers and electronic devices for end-to-end precision agriculture solutions for farm mechanization, postharvest manangement and value addtion, water and land management systems with AI and IoT based tools. All the activities and research work are in line with carrying the whole Indian farming eco-system towards “Agriculture 5.0”.

ICAR-CIAE has already developed precision agricultural tools and devices, like –  SPAD meter 2.0, handheld abiotic and abiotic stress detection devices, thermal imager, VRT’s for input applications, E-nose for real time health moniotring of stored commodities, compact device for rapid detection of aflatoxin, AI enabled fruit grading and sorting technology, wireless sensor netwrok for real-time irrigation scheduling; to name a few.

Objectives of the sub-project:

  1. Development of sensor-based variable-rate nutrient applicator
  2. Development of AI/IoT based intelligent irrigation system for field crops
  3. Development of sensor based multi pass cleaner for pulse/legume grains