Tools / Web Services


Near Real-time Monitoring of Crop Conditions through Satellite and Airborne Remote Sensing

Precision Soil Fertilizer Recommendation System

Online Spectroscopy for Soil Fertility Assessment

Blockchain based Web Traceability of Banana in supply Chain

CIFA AquaNIRNAY: Geospatial Decision Support System for Aquaculture Development Planning

Tools / Products

Inhouse – Imaging Drone for Research and Development

Soil Moisture Sensor-Based Automatic Basin Irrigation System 

VRT Robot for Fertilizer Application 

IoT based Sub-surface Drip Irrigation Automation

Real-time crop surveillance using field robot: Phenomobile

Development and validation of android based “RiceNxpert” mobile application in the farmer’s trial

Development of AI enabled wireless smart trap for monitoring pink bollworm

Prototype of IoT based and AI aided pest forewarning system

Development and Installation of Soil Moisture Sensor

Sensor based irrigation automation in Transplanted rice

Machine Vision System prototype developed for Mango Grading

IoT based Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Monitoring System

Establishment of the AI-Assisted Intensive Aquaculture System

An IoT - based Yellow Stem Borer Pheromone Trap

A sensor-based automatic feed dispensing system

Drone based water sampling

Development of IoT based Automatic Fish Feeding Devices for Pond Culture

A sensor-based drum filter for intensive aquaculture system

Development of sensor based multi pass cleaner for pulse / legume grains

IoT and Sensor Operated Greenhouse for Vertical Farming

DroneAgri: In-House Software for Drone data processing